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Church History

Around 1992, the situation in Ethiopia when they appointed Abune Paulos as Patriarch while Abba Mercurius was alive caused a serious schism in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church worldwide.  The ripple effect of this split affected us at the Archdiocese of Holy Trinity at 140-142 West 176th Street, Bronx, New York.  Our Archbishop, His Eminence Abune Yesehaq, was reassigned by the Holy Synod, and His Eminence Abune Mattias was sent to take over the Archdiocese.  H.E. Abune Yesehaq separated from the Mother Church in Ethiopia and subsequently lost control of the Archdiocese.  The Clergy and members of Holy Trinity Church, Bronx, New York, being loyal to H.E. Abune Yesehaq, relocated with him to New Jersey in August 1998.  This is the origin of Debre Ganet Kidus Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in New Jersey.


Since moving to New Jersey in 1998, many events have transpired which helped shaped us as we are today.  First and foremost was the passing of H.E. Abune Yesehaq on December 29, 2005.  This was an unexpected and tragic event that shook our entire community.  Abune Yesehaq was our "Father."  Yet, he was always with us, teaching, guiding, admonishing and protecting us. Unfortunately, none of us were prepared for his passing.  Nonetheless, we organized his funeral service at Holy Trinity Church, Kingston, Jamaica West Indies, in January 2006.


We held memorial services for him in Kingston, Jamaica, in January 2007 and 2008, respectively, and each year since then at St. Gabriel's Church here in New Jersey.  A lot has transpired since Abune Yesehaq has passed.  We formed a Board of Directors to govern the Church, which consisted of Kesis Paulos, Kesis Gebre Menfes Quidus and I, Kesis Tesfa Eyesus.  We always knew that we had to rejoin the Mother Church in Ethiopia; otherwise, our Church would not be valid or protected and considered Protestant.


On Thursday, February 11, 2010, we met with Archbishop H.E. Abune Zakarias of the Archdiocese of New York, NE and Central USA for the first time. Our desire was fulfilled; we reconnected with the Mother Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  We drafted letters to His Holiness Abune Paulos, the Holy Synod and Abune Zakarias, showing our intent to be with the Mother Church.  They responded favorably, and Debre Ganet Kidus Gabriel Church was accepted and legally registered by the Holy Synod.


On February 18, 2010, there was much rejoicing among the faithful as we closed on the property at 136-140 Main Street, Orange, New Jersey.  This fulfilled our dream to own our own Church. We began renovations on January 15, 2018, and hope to have our Consecration during the Spring of 2019. 


On November 25, 2012, H.E. Archbishop Abune Zakarias gave the Priests of Kidus Gabrie Accordingly Church rank. Accordingly, Kesis Paulos was given Melake Selam (Angel of Peace), Kesis Gebre Menfes Quidus was given Melake Berhan (Angel of Light), and I, Kesis Tesfa Eyesus, was given Melake Ganet (Angel of Paradise). Unfortunately, our Father, Melake Berhan Kesis Gebre Menfes Quidus, passed away on November 8, 2014.  He is greatly missed.


Our Church is dynamic, progressive and follows the Ancient Order.  We have been blessed with unity, harmony, and peace. We are eagerly awaiting the completion of our new Church to celebrate a glorious Consecration and have freedom and dignity in our own place of worship and organize ourselves effectively and celebrate our Holy Days.​ We pray to God to guide and protect and strengthen all of us to continue to work for our Church and forge a vibrant community that can really be called a family with everyone being a part of and feeling a part of a harmonious, unified and loving environment.


We thank the Almighty God for guiding and protecting us and bringing us this far. We pray that he will bring unity to the entire Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church worldwide.  We thank Our Lady, the Mother of us all, the Ever-Virgin, St. Mariam, for her compassion and mercy.  Amen


Around 1992, the situation in Ethiopia when they appointed Abune Paulos as Patriarch while Abba Mercurius was alive caused a serious schism in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church worldwide.  The ripple effect of this split affected us at the Archdiocese of Holy Trinity at 140-142 West 176th Street, Bronx, New York.  Our Archbishop, His Eminence Abune Yesehaq, was reassigned by the Holy Synod, and His Eminence Abune Mattias was sent to take over the Archdiocese.  H.E. Abune Yesehaq separated from the Mother Church in Ethiopia and subsequently lost control of the Archdiocese.  The Clergy and members of Holy Trinity Church, Bronx, New York, being loyal to H.E. Abune Yesehaq, relocated with him to New Jersey in August 1998.  This is the origin of Debre Ganet Kidus Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in New Jersey.


Since moving to New Jersey in 1998, many events have transpired which helped shaped us as we are today.  First and foremost was the passing of H.E. Abune Yesehaq on December 29, 2005.  This was an unexpected and tragic event that shook our entire community.  Abune Yesehaq was our "Father."  Yet, he was always with us, teaching, guiding, admonishing and protecting us. Unfortunately, none of us were prepared for his passing.  Nonetheless, we organized his funeral service at Holy Trinity Church, Kingston, Jamaica West Indies, in January 2006.


We held memorial services for him in Kingston, Jamaica, in January 2007 and 2008, respectively, and each year since then at St. Gabriel's Church here in New Jersey.  A lot has transpired since Abune Yesehaq has passed.  We formed a Board of Directors to govern the Church, which consisted of Kesis Paulos, Kesis Gebre Menfes Quidus and I, Kesis Tesfa Eyesus.  We always knew that we had to rejoin the Mother Church in Ethiopia; otherwise, our Church would not be valid or protected and considered Protestant.


On Thursday, February 11, 2010, we met with Archbishop H.E. Abune Zakarias of the Archdiocese of New York, NE and Central USA for the first time. Our desire was fulfilled; we reconnected with the Mother Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  We drafted letters to His Holiness Abune Paulos, the Holy Synod and Abune Zakarias, showing our intent to be with the Mother Church.  They responded favorably, and Debre Ganet Kidus Gabriel Church was accepted and legally registered by the Holy Synod.


On February 18, 2010, there was much rejoicing among the faithful as we closed on the property at 136-140 Main Street, Orange, New Jersey.  This fulfilled our dream to own our own Church. We began renovations on January 15, 2018, and hope to have our Consecration during the Spring of 2019. 


On November 25, 2012, H.E. Archbishop Abune Zakarias gave the Priests of Kidus Gabrie Accordingly Church rank.  Kesis Paulos was given Melake Selam (Angel of Peace), Kesis Gebre Menfes Quidus was given Melake Berhan (Angel of Light), and I, Kesis Tesfa Eyesus, was given Melake Ganet (Angel of Paradise). Our Father, Melake Berhan Kesis Gebre Menfes Quidus, passed away on November 8, 2014.  He is greatly missed.


Our Church is dynamic, progressive and follows the Ancient Order.  We have been blessed with unity, harmony, and peace. We are eagerly awaiting the completion of our new Church to celebrate a glorious Consecration and have freedom and dignity in our own place of worship and organize ourselves effectively and celebrate our Holy Days.​ We pray to God to guide and protect and strengthen all of us to continue to work for our Church and forge a vibrant community that can really be called a family with everyone being a part of and feeling a part of a harmonious, unified and loving environment.


We thank the Almighty God for guiding and protecting us and bringing us this far. We pray that he will bring unity to the entire Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church worldwide.  We thank Our Lady, the Mother of us all, the Ever-Virgin, St. Mariam, for her compassion and mercy.  Amen


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